

It's a Balloon!  It's a Bomb!  It's a Stealth Bomber.  2004. 9" x 19."

It's a Balloon!  It's a Bomb!  It's a Stealth Bomber.  2004. 9" x 19."

Top of the World! 1996-2018.  Approximately 13” x 7.”

Nuclear Cooler Urn. Toast!  2000. Approximately 20” x 9”

Princess Diana Faces the Landmine Issue. 1996-98. 10"x 20"

Vessel. Sounding the Alarm. 1996-1998. 12"

Untitled. 1996-1998. 10"x 20"

Attack in the Country. Attack in the city. Attack in the past. Attack now. 1996-1998. Approximately 9” x14”

House of Stealth / Call of the Blackbird.  1996-1998.  6"x 14"

Above the Fray: Pray for the Prey through the Ages.  2001. 9"x 22.”

Empire: Circling the World. 1996-1998.  9" x 20."